What is the Quaturn™ cartridge?
Quaturn™ is a repairable, 90° turn full on / full off cartridge.
How do I set the adjustment on a metering faucet?
Are repair parts available for the cartridge?
是的, a complete listing of repair parts for cartridges are available in the 维护/Repair Manual.
Why purchase 芝加哥水龙头 products?
芝加哥水龙头 products have been constructed of solid brass since 1901 with the best warranty in the business. All components are interchangeable so replacement parts are available for products as far back as 1913. 所有合格产品均符合NSF 61清洁饮用水法案.
Are 芝加哥水龙头 products lead free?
带有我们ECAST®标签的水龙头是用百分之一的四分之一(0.25%)或以下的总铅含量加权平均值,并符合联邦标准, 状态, 当地法规规定了管道配件的含铅量. All products that are required to be in compliance with the Federal Clean Drinking Water Act (NSF61) have been certified accordingly.
Can Chicago Faucet product be installed in my home?
而芝加哥水龙头主要BETVLCTOR伟德国际用于安装在商业建筑中, 他们的极端耐用性使他们理想的任何地方,你需要一个强硬的, 持久的水龙头, including single-family and multi-family residential applications.
Where can I buy Chicago Faucet products?
芝加哥水龙头的产品可在管道批发商和其他网点. 查阅 经销商定位器 for a recommended wholesaler near you.
我有一个芝加哥水龙头产品安装,并想改变把手或壶嘴. 我可以换吗??
Polished chrome is our standard finish. 选择水龙头系列也提供特殊饰面,如拉丝镍和哑光黑色.
Are replacement parts available?
是的, parts for our current standard products are available.
Can I install a 芝加哥水龙头 product myself?
是的,芝加哥水龙头的产品可以很容易地安装在家庭或企业. To assure you are in compliance with local building codes, it is recommended you consult a local plumbing contractor.
Can I repair my 芝加哥水龙头 product?
Are submittal drawings available for your products?
See the product page on our web site for the appropriate drawing.
Are installation instructions available?
See the appropriate 安装 Instructions for your product.
The handles may be repositioned by removing the mounting, taking off the handle and replacing the handle on the stem in the next groove made in the handle.
The 鹅颈式 (GN) spout on my faucet wobbles. 安装正确吗??
The package of white washers included with the GN spouts provides the material and instructions for reducing the wobble.
Can I replace the screen on the aerator?
The screen in the aerator should not be replaced. A new aerator should be purchased.
How do I clean 芝加哥水龙头 products?
Use a mild soap and water with a soft cloth. 不要使用磨蚀性清洁剂或清洁剂,否则会使表面质量保证失效.
What is the 芝加哥水龙头 warranty?
100多年来,芝加哥水龙头一直是其产品的幕后推手. See our 保修 for specific details.
Who do I call with questions about the warranty?
Call Customer Service at 847-803-5000 Option 2. A Customer Service Representative can answer your questions.
There are always complaints about electronic faucets not activating fast enough and users move from one faucet to another until one works. How do you address this problem?
The HyTronic® and E-Tronic® 40 faucets provide one of the fastest user detection systems on the market. 双光束方法提供了最先进的识别用户的方法. DC units scan the environment 4 times a second and once the user is recognized increases to 6 times a second to provide continuous smooth water flow. 交流单元始终保持每秒6次的采样率.
We use a lot of metering faucets in our facility. 有没有办法让我设定水龙头保持开着的确切时间?
HyTronic® faucets can be used as an electronic metering faucet with an activation time of 3 - 180 seconds and 1 - 5 seconds between activation cycles. The E-Tronic 40 has the same functionality, 激活时间为3 - 60秒,激活周期之间为1 - 5秒.
我们用的不锈钢水槽和电子水龙头会发出很大的噪音. How do 芝加哥水龙头 electronic faucets address this problem?
Our electronic faucets are designed and tested to pass a strict EU test for plumbing 配件 that requires noise levels below 20 db. - a drastic difference compared to other electronic faucets.
The environment in our restroom causes our electronic faucets to activate without anyone present. Can your faucets overcome this situation?
HyTronic® faucets have a dual beam system which allows each beam to be individually turned off. Example: If the sink is too reflective and causes activation or overhead lights interfere with operation, either the upper or lower beam can be turned off.
Most electronic faucets have a lot of parts and require a lot of upfront work before installing. What makes HyTronic® different?
The product arrives fully assembled with 3/8" compression stainless steel hoses that can be installed directly into the stops. 直流产品安装简单,几乎可以立即操作. AC products require a connection to the power source prior to operation (no product disassembly is needed).
If I install product variations (lavatory, 鹅颈式, 墙上挂载, AC and DC) do I have to stock a lot of different parts?
HyTronic®系列在相同的基础上BETVLCTOR伟德国际并使用相同的平台. 电子模块和螺线管是通用的所有水龙头.
How hard is it to replace the batteries on your faucet?
HyTronic®和E-Tronic®40都提供简单的电池更换. 绝对没有必要到甲板下面去——水闸可以保持开着. Simply remove one screw to remove the spout. 电池清晰可见,可以在几分钟内更换. The estimated battery life is 3 years or 200,000 activations.
我的水槽大小不一. Can your HyTronic® 鹅颈式 satisfy these different applications?
是的, you can order our deck and 墙上挂载 鹅颈式 products in a "less spout" configuration and pair with any 芝加哥水龙头 spout that ranges between 3" - 12". A simple adjustment of the faucet's detection range assures product performance is not impacted. We also offer spouts with FC flow regulators.
In new projects, the building might not be occupied for months. 为了保持疏水阀的潮湿,必须有人亲自启动水龙头. In other locations, I get complaints that there is not enough hot water at the beginning of the day. Can your faucets help these situations?
HyTronic®水龙头具有卫生模式,可以解决其中的一些问题. Using the Geberit Commander™ software, 你可以让水龙头在最后一次使用后的特定时间打开. 你也可以决定水龙头开着的时间.
We've made it easy to convert the power source for any existing HyTronic® faucet installation.
交流转直流: No additional parts are needed. Simply replace the AC adaptor and AC wiring harness inside the body of your existing HyTronic® faucet with a 6 volt lithium CRP2 battery.
直流转交流: You'll need to order an AC adaptor kit and a 12-volt transformer. Replace the existing battery with the AC adaptor and feed the wire through the base of the faucet then through the mounting harness below deck. 芝加哥水龙头公司提供了两个12伏变压器来帮助完成这项工作——一个硬电线, multi-use transformer or a plug-in transformer.
Revit is a completely different way of drafting. Autodesk® Revit is Building Information Modeling (BIM) software for Microsoft® Windows® developed by Autodesk. 它允许您使用参数化3D建模和2D绘图元素进行BETVLCTOR伟德国际. BIM is a Computer Aided Design (CAD) program that employs intelligent 3D objects to represent real physical building components such as walls 和门. Revit allows designers to add more detail - both graphic and nongraphic - to their building information models earlier in the process to support a variety of tasks from design visualization to energy analysis and cost estimating.
Which building components does Revit encompass?
Revit BIM解决方案包括一个广泛的组件库. 这些参数族的范围从基本的建筑组件,如墙壁, 生活环境调查, 和门, 精心BETVLCTOR伟德国际组件, such as kitchen cabinetry and escalators. Revit components include geometry (the component's size and shape) and design intent (how it relates to other building components), 以及描述组件的非图形属性,如材料或防火等级.
Revit架构包括一个广泛的通用参数组件库. Because Revit components are parametric by nature, the library doesn't have to include a representation of every single size or type of component - the library elements are preprogrammed to size accordingly.
由Autodesk为Revit架构创建的组件库是通用的. They don't describe specific manufacturers' components and, 因此, have no specific product information such as model number.
How does adding detailed product information help my design?
One of the advantages of BIM is the ability to include detailed information regarding the building, even at a very early stage of the design. 在建筑信息模型中加入更详细的数据, including manufacturer-specific building product data, and adding it earlier in the process can:
- better convey design ideas, even in early conceptual models
- provide a more accurate energy analysis and evaluations of how specific products perform in specific design contexts
- 提供早期的成本估算信息和规范应用
- 在整个建筑过程中创建非常详细的3D可视化
How do I add custom components and manufacturer products?
Several approaches can be used to add custom components, 以及制造商特定的组件和相关的产品属性.
用户生成. Revit Architecture users can create their own content using the parametric family templates that come with the software. 用户还可以利用同事或用户社区Web站点生成的内容. 但是,不能保证组件定义是准确的.
商业网站. Users can download content from commercial sites such as BIMWorld,开发通用和制造商特定的BIM内容. 在一般情况下, downloads from these sites are free for users because the content is paid for by building product manufacturers who contract with the site to develop BIM libraries of their products.
制造商的网站. Content developed and distributed directly by manufacturers is the most reliable way to get manufacturer-specific product data. 事实上, many manufacturers already provide CAD representations of their products that designers can use in CAD applications. 类似地,这些产品的BIM表示也开始被提供.
Do Geberit and 芝加哥水龙头 have BIM product representations?
Geberit和芝加哥水龙头已经创建了一个基于bim的产品线库, 启用说明符, 架构师, BETVLCTOR伟德国际师可以轻松地将产品整合到建筑信息模型中. Simply browse, select products, and find information you need. Revit用户, 该库将产品内容直接交付给Revit平台, 与BETVLCTOR伟德国际模板的revit特定的系统文件,可用于创建, 定义, and manipulating interior designs. Download these components directly into your Revit BIM.
Autodesk Revit Architecture is available for purchase at 欧特克.com. 它可以通过选择产品并按照网站上的提示下载.
对于单个产品,在产品页面上有一个链接到Revit文件(如果可用). Use the Catalog or Search function to find a specific product. If you need multiple Revit files for your project, visit our 资源中心 at chicagofaucet.com/resources. There you will find a complete listing of all Revit files and IGES files (an alternative CAD format) available on our site. 您可以选择和下载多个文件,只需点击几下.